Mar 13, 2016DIGESTIONTiming Is EverythingAccording to TCM, all of our organs are on a set schedule. Certain times of the day are when certain organs are at their optimal. Follow...
Jan 25, 2016ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEStress Inflammation Pain, Part 3Diet plays a very important role on how our bodies feel. The huge spike in chronic pain cases is indicative of a society embracing a diet...
Nov 23, 2015ACUPUNCTUREStress Inflammation Pain, Part 1I had just been to a Nutrition and Health Seminar at UCLA. This seminar inspired me to briefly talk about inflammation. But before we...
Sep 6, 2015ACUPUNCTUREPTSD and AcupuncturePost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. This...