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Spire Review: Day 2

This is day 2 of using the Spire. I forgot to mention in the previous post as to the convenience of charging the Spire. It comes with a wireless charging platform, which also comes with an extra USB port so that you can charge your other devices without taking an extra outlet. Convenient!


I’m not sure of how long it keeps its charge but the packaging says that it shouldn’t need a charge for about 4 days. The length of battery life is also dependent upon how often you have your Spire notifying you. Currently, I have it notify me every hour as to being sedentary, not taking a deep breath and being tense or stressed out. I also enabled it to track my location so I know where I’m the most stressed.

Back to how it functions.

Well, I already found a problem with the Spire. I purposely decided to watch a movie to see if it would buzz me when I was sedentary for longer than an hour. I watched Gravity, which is 1.5 hours long, for the first time. I know. I’m late in the game to be watching Gravity but that isn’t the point. It is longer than an hour and it didn’t buzz. I’m not particularly proud of this but when I choose to be, I am a champion couch potato, especially when I have a good book. I need a nagging piece of tech to get me off my hiney, and so far, it turns out that the Spire is not that tech.

It did, however, buzz to let me know that I was feeling tense for longer than 4 minutes (video about menstruation can be some serious business). As I am using the Spire for stress management and not fitness, I do not believe that the Spire deserves to be tossed away like yesterday’s sushi just yet. With the helpful reminder, I realized that I was breathing shallowly and I took a deep breath. It is still useful for the purpose that I intended it for.

Also, the Spire is quite comfortable to wear. Just don’t wear it on the waist band of your yoga pants. Unless you have absolutely zero fat around your waist, it bends into your waist crease when you sit and it can’t read your breathing pattern properly. It is best to wear it with a waist band not made of Spandex.


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5122 Katella Ave. #215
Los Alamitos, CA 90720

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