As some of you may have noticed, I have not posted anything for a couple of weeks. I apologize for that. I have been quite under the weather. I write this while still battling a persistent cough.
Though I am not fully recovered, I have been able to continue working without any problems. Though rest is the best medicine, not everybody has the luxury to stay home until they feel 100% better. Below is a list of things that I do when I’m sick but need to keep on working.
Sore Throat: Acupuncture has been the best and quickest remedy. If you’re able to go to an acupuncturist, do so. Sore throats will go away that same day. But if you’re unable to go to an acupuncturist, there is always loquat cough syrup. Below is the picture:

This syrup is based on a Chinese herbal formula and can easily be purchased at any Asian market (ex. 99 Ranch Market). It soothes the throat, helps with coughing and is also an expectorant. The best part is how good it tastes. It’s also safe for children to take in low doses.
Stuffy Nose: Steam is the best way to loosen up all the mucus in the nasal passages. Remember that scene in Crocodile Dundee when Mick Dundee unknowingly made a guy do a steam for his nose when in actuality the guy was doing drugs. Well, you’re going to do the same but without the cocaine. Fill a large basin/bowl with hot steaming water and add peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Place a towel over your head to tent in the steam. Breathe the steam in. If you feel snot coming out of your nose, go ahead and not rocket into bowl and continue steaming. This really clears up the nasal passages while killing some germs. It’s also best to have a humidifier when you’re sleeping to things moist in your nose and throat. It also helps to have a cup of hot water with eucalyptus oil so that you can smell it throughout the night.
Headache: You would usually have a headache due to a stuffy nose. So do the above remedies. If it is due to a fever, put a cool compress on the head. But make sure it is not too cold.
Fever: Again, acupuncturist is the best way to go but if you, can’t cool compress. Lavender oil dabbed behind the neck also helps to cool things down. Another great remedy is to sweat it out. Drink some ginger and honey tea, wear sweats and wrap yourself with a lot of blankets, and sleep. If you start feeling hot and sweaty, it’s working. Make sure not to unwrap yourself because you don’t want to get chilly. After the sweating has stopped and your fever has broken, make sure to keep your head and neck covered to keep your body warm and protected.
NOTE! If you have a fever, stay home. You are contagious and will spread your illness to those around you. Even if you feel that you have no choice but to work, this is not the time to go to work. You must stay home!
While you’re sick, make are to eat warm and well cooked foods. This is not the time to indulge in any salads. Try my congee recipe for an example of warm and easy to digest food.
If you have any remedies that you use, please share it in the comments.